Saturday, 10 August 2013

One Word - A Small Collection

Barbecue - A metal flame on which meat etc;cooked over an open fire

Barometer - An instrument for measuring the air pressure

Beverage - A liquid for drinking

Bibiliography - A list of writings on a subject

Biennial - Happening once every two years

Bigamy - system of two marriages

Biodata - (or resume or curriculum vitae)A shor written account of one's education and pas employment

Black hole - An area in outer space into which everthing near it ,including light,is pulled

Bleach - Make white or pale by mean of chemical  or sunlight

Blue blood - The quality of being a nobal person by birth

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Friday, 9 August 2013


Dejure - From the law,by law

Denovo - Anew,again,(trail of acase)

Denouement - The end of a plot(in play)

De profundis - out of the depths

Dernier resort - Last resort

Detente - Easing of strained relations especially between states

Dramatis personae - Characters of the drama or play

Elite - The best part ;the pick(the elite of town)

Enfant terrible - A terrible child;one who makes disconcerting remarks

Entrepreneur - Person in effective control of a business organization

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Word List

conspiracy - plot,intrigue,treason

Convict - Felon,culprit,criminal,guilty

Cowardly - Craven,dastardly,fearful,poltroon

Coy - Modest,shy,reserved

Carfty - Artful,adroit,,dexetrous,cunning,deceitful

Crazy - Mad,insane,silly

Credence - Belief,faith,trust,confidence

Crisis - Turning point,emergency,decisive moment

Criterion - Test,touchstone,standard,yardstick

Criticism - Analysis,review,stricture

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

One Word - A Small Collection

Apprentice - A person who works under someone to learn that person's skill

Arboreal - Those who live in trees

Armistice - (or cease-fire or truce)An agreement to stop fighting

Ascetic - One who avoids physicals pleasures and comforts

Astrology - The art of understanding the influence of heavenly bodies

Astronomy - Scientific study of heavenlybodies

Avairy - A place for keeping birds

Backlog - It means an accumulation of arrears example:I must clear my heavy backlog of arears

Backwater - A dart of a river out of the main stream where the water does not move 

Barbarian - An uncivilised person 

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Monday, 5 August 2013

Word List

Cheat - Defraud,gull,outwit,dupe

Cite  - Quote,mention,name,adduce

Clothes - Apparel,attire,dress,grab

Colossal - Huge,gigantic,enormous,big

Commence - Bigin,start

Commensurate - Equivalent,suitable,applicable,proportionate

Conceal - Hide,cover,shelter,disguise

Confess Confuse or- admit,acknowledge,reveal,agree

Confound - Mix,perplex,astonish,amaze,bewilder

Consequent - following,resultant,outcome

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )


Chef d'oeuvre - Masterpiece(Mona Lisa is  vinci's chef-d oeuvre)

Circa - About ('circa 1930')

Confoere - Colleague

Contretemps - An unexpected or untowards event;ahitch

Corrigenda - A list of errors (in a book)

Coup d' etat - Violent change in government

Coup de grace - A finishing stroke (the coup de grace of the russian revolution was total annihilation of the czar family)

Cul-de-sac - A blind alley (the failure of the policy  of non-alignment in 1962 saw our foreign reach a cul-de-sac)

Deback - complete tout (debacle of opposition in the election)

Defacto - Actual or actually (de facto recognition to a state)

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Saturday, 3 August 2013

One Word - A Small Collection

Altruist - One who is habitually kind to others

Alumnus - A former student of a school or college

Ambivalent - The words means simultaneous attraction towords and repulsion from an object,person or action.The attitude of educated.Indians to love-marriages is ambivalent

Anachronism - That which appears to be in the wrong period

Anarchy- lawlessness and disorder caused by absence of control

Anecdote - A short interesting or amusing story

Anthology - A collection of poems or writings

Aphorism - (or maxim)A wise saying in a few words

Aphrodisiac - A medicine causing sexual excitement

Apiary - A place where bees are kept

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Friday, 2 August 2013

Word List

Cancel : Annual, withdraw, revoke, delete

Candid : Sincere, straightforward, frank

Captive : Prisoner, confined, jailed, bonded

Cause : Make, originate, induce, generate, create

Censor : Cut off, prohibit, ban

Censure : Blame, condemn,reprove, reprimand

Character : Letter, emblem, type, OR nature, disposition, quality

Charity : Philanthropy, benevolence

Chaste : Pure, immaculate, virgin, refined

Chatter : Babble, ramble, talk, discourse

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Thursday, 1 August 2013


Beau ideal : the ideal of perfection.

Beaumonde : the world of fashion.

Beaux esprits : men of wit

Bete noire : a special aversion (India has always been bete noire for Pakistan)

Bona fide : good faith (His bona fide in the matter cannot be doubted)

Bizarre : odd, fantastic.

Ban vayage : a good vayage or journey to you.

Casus belli : that which causes or justifies war.

Cause celebre : a celebrated or notorious case in law

Charged affaires : diplomat inferior in tank to an Ambasador.

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

One Word - A Small Collection

Amnesty - General Pardon

Abattoir - A building where animals are killed for meal ( or slaughterhouse )

Ad hoc - Made for a particular purpose

Aeronautics - The science of the operation and flight of aircraft

Aesthete - A person with a highly developed sense of beauty

Agnostic - One who believes that nothing can be know about God

Agoraphobia - Fear of open spaces

Alibi - It is Latin for elsewhere. It is actually a plea of having been elsewhere at the time of commission of an act. But it is now used in the sense of an excuse. Example: He offered no alibi for his absence from duty.

Alimony - Compensatory allowance given to wife after divorce

Allergic - Allergy means, a heightened sensitivity to a substance as food, medicine ete. Allergic to hard work.

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Success .. !!!

Word List

Behavior : Conduct, development, way, demeanour

Brave : Courageous, intrepid, bold, daring, valiant

Brisk : Active, fast, quick, busy, alert

Brittle : Frail, fragile

Brutal : Animal, savage, beastly, cruel

Burglar : Thief, bandit, brigand, stealer

Bystander : Spectator, onlooker, beholder

Calculate : Estimate, count, reckon, compute

Callous : Hard, indifferent, cold-blooded

Calm : Cool, confident, quiet, serene, tranquil

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Monday, 29 July 2013


Amende honorable : satisfactory apology, repapration.

Amour propre : self love

Ancien regime : the forrner order of things.

A posteriori : empirical

A priori : from cause to effect, presumptive. (every science cannot be taught a priori)

Apropos : in respect of

An couran : fully acquainted with matters.

Au fait : Expert

Au revoir : Until we meet again (to say au revoir at parting)

Avant propos : preliminary matter, preface

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Saturday, 27 July 2013

One Word - A Small Collection

Abdicate -   Rebounce a throne, high office or dignity

Abolish -   Do away with

Accelerate -   To move faster

Accomplice -  One associated with another especially in wrong-doing

Acoustics -   Science of the production, transmission, reception and effect of sound 

Acrobat -   One who performs gymnastic feats

Adolescence -   The period of life from puberty to maturity

Actuary -   One who calculates insurance and annuity premium etc

Adulterate -   Make impure by the addition of inferior substance

Aggression -
   Unprovoked attack of one country by another

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Word List

Absurd : Ridiculous, silly, foolish

Abundant : Ample, plentiful

Accessory : Additional, auxiliary, subsidiary

Adept : Proficient, skilled, expert

Assent : Agree, consent, acquiesce

Astonish : Astound, surprise, amaze, bewilder

Audacious : Bold, courageous, daring

Aversion : Dislike, detestation, hostility, hatred

Base : Mean, low, ignoble

Beg : Implore, ask, beseech, solicit

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Wednesday, 24 July 2013


Foreign words and phrases are generally not asked directly. But the knowledge of foreign words and phrases will help you in reading comprehension and other types of common questions. So, make yourself familiar with the common foreign words and phrases.

Ab initio :
from the beginning.

Ab origin : from the origin.

Addenda : list of additions. (addenda to a book )

Advalorem : according to value.

Ad hoc : a body elected or appointed lor a definite work. (ad hoc committee)

Ad infinitum : to infinity

Alma mater : a school which one has attended.

A la carte : according to the bill of face. (a la carte dishes are available)

Alamode : according to the custom (fashion). (a la mode silk)

Alter ego : the other self, intimate friend, (Kissinger is the alter ego of Nixon)

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

One Word - A Small Collection

Aviary - A place for keeping birds

Backlog - It means an accumulation of arrears example: I must clear my heavy backlog of arrears. 

Backwater - A Dart of a river out of the main stream where the water does not move 

Barbarian - An uncivilized person

Barbecue - A metal flame on which meat etc. is cooked over an open fire

Barometer - An instrument for measuring the air pressure 

Beverage - A liquid for drinking

Bibliography - A list of writings on a subject

Biennial - Happening once every two years 

Bigamy - System of two marriages
Biodata - (or resume or curriculum vitae) A shot written account of one's educational and pas employment

Black Hole - An area in outer space into which everything near it, including light, is pulled 

Bleach - Make white or pale by mean - of chemical or sunlight 

Blue Blood - The quality of being a noble person by birth 

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Monday, 22 July 2013

SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination 2013 Date Entry Oprator and Lower Division Clerks Exam

Intellectual, Moral & Ethical... !!

SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination 2013

SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination 2013: Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has published an advertisement regarding Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination 2013 for the recruitment of Data Entry Operator and Lower Division Clerk posts. Eligible candidates can apply online for Part-I Registration up to 14-08-2013 & for Part-II Registration up to 16-08-2013 and 23-08-2013 for remote areas. More details regarding educational qualifications, age limit, selection and application process are mentioned below…

SSC Vacancy details:

Name of the Posts:
1. Data Entry Operator
2. Lower Division Clerk

Age Limit: Candidates age limit is 18 to 27 years as on 01-08-2013. Relaxation is applicable as per the rules.

Educational Qualification: Candidates must have passed 12th Standard or equivalent or higher examination from a recognized Board or University.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on Written Examination and Skill/ Typing Test.

Application Fee: Candidates must pay the fee of Rs.100/- through online mode and offline mode. SC/ ST/ Physically Handicapped/ Women/ Ex-Servicemen candidates are exempted from the fee.
Online Mode: Candidates can pay the fee online through SBI Net Banking or Challan by depositing the fee in State Bank of India. Challan can be downloaded from the website after completion of Part-I Registration.
Offline Mode: Candidates can pay the fee offline by means of Central Recruitment Fee Stamps (CRFS) which are available at the counter of all Departmental Post Offices of the country.

How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates can apply through online mode or offline mode on or before 16-08-2013 by 5.00 PM and 23-08-2013 by 5.00 PM for remote areas.
Online Mode: Candidates can apply online through the website “” and “” by filling all the mandatory details on or before 16-08-2013.
Offline Mode: Candidates must send applications in the prescribed format downloadable from the website along with recent attested passport size photograph to the concerned exam center mentioned in the notification.

Instructions for Online Application:
1. Log on to “”
2. Select appropriate advertisement link.
3. Online application consists of two parts i.e., Part-I Registration and Part-II Registration.
4. Applicants must fill basic information in Part-I Registration and submit error free application.
5. After completion of Part-I Registration, candidates must pay the fee as mentioned above.
6. Enter all the details regarding fee, upload scanned copy of photograph and signature
7. Now continue with Part-II Registration and submit error free application form.
8. Emails will be received by the candidates on completion of Part-II Registration. Copy of email and copy of challan must be retained for future use.

Important Dates:
Starting Date for Submission of Application: 20-07-2013
Last Date for Part-I Registration: 14-08-2013 by 5.00 PM
Last Date for Part-II Registration: 16-08-2013 by 5.00 PM
Last Date for Submission of Offline Application: 16-08-2013 by 5.00 PM
Last Date for Submission of Application for Remote Areas: 23-08-2013 by 5.00 PM
Date of Examination: 10-11-2013 & 17-11-2013

For more details regarding age, qualifications, pay scale, selections and other information click on the below link…

Click here for SSC CHSL (10+2) Exam 2013 Notification

Click here for Online Application

Click here for Offline Application

Friday, 19 July 2013

English for Bank PO Examinations: Vocabulary → Synonyms

For each of the following questions, select the option which is CLOSEST in meaning to the capitalized word.





[A]Lowest point


[C]Unsually fine




1. (C), 2. (C), 3. (A), 4. (D), 5. (D), 6. (B), 7. (A), 8. (B), 9. (D), 10. (B),

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

English :: Directions >

Directions (1-10) : Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error. the answer is (5). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any)

1. To begun with (1)/ three agencies were (2)/ retained to study (3)/ and submit recommendations. (4)/ No error (5) 

2. To clamp down on illegal mining (1)/ that loser money for the Exchequer, (2)/ local people need to empowered / (3) to vet and oversee operations. (4)/ No error (5) 

3. In real terms, it (1)/ means passing up on/ (2) opportunities that presents / (3) themselves to us. (4)/ No error (5) 

4. The failure to control (1)/ losses or increase revenues /(2) in a market growing (3)/ in double digit is significantly. (4)/ No error (5) 

5. There have been (1)/ marked changes /(2) but social rather /(3) then economic. (4)/ No error (5)

6. Notwithstand his (1)/ frequent indisposition, /(2) he has diligently attended /(3) every single court hearing. (4)/ No error (5) 

7. The administration continued to (1) / improve bilateral relations, / (2) while deepening and / (3) formalizing the economic dialogue. (4)/ No error (5) 

8. The cause of rising crimes (1)/ against women has its roots /(2) in the skewed sex ratio which /(3) males outnumber females. (4)/ No error (5)

9. Now that more and more (1)/ internet sites are tailored /(2) their services to the requirements to the of individual users, /(3) queries many yield different outcomes for different people. (4)/ No Error (5) 

10. These are among (1)/ the many contentious points /(2) that the author make /(3) in his controversial book. (4)/ No error (5) 


1. (5), 2. (2), 3. (2), 4. (4), 5. (5), 6. (1), 7. (1), 8. (3), 9. (4), 10. (2)

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Saturday, 13 July 2013

English :: Directions >

Directions (1-10) : In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
Delhi and Mumbai are the fifth and third cheapest cities of the world, out of 134 (1). says a news repost. This comes as a (2). naturally, to those who live in there places and have been led to (3). that they lead a pretty expensive life. Particularly what with the global commodity price boom pushing up material prices and all kinds of labour costs. With their considerable experience in 'arranging' surveys to deliver the desired results, many of Dilliwala or Mumbaikar might be tempted to (4) the survey which came up with these results was (5) when the same news report reveals that the survey was conducted by a respectable organisation (6) a scrutiny of the top five cities and the two Indian cities' neighbours at the bottom yields a clue. Tokyo leads the pack, followed by Oslo, Kobe, Paris and Zurich. One cannot four are some of the most placid, peaceful cities of the world. When we come to the bottom of the ranking, giving (7) by some sponsor or the other. Such cynicism goes out of the (8)to Dellhi and Mumbai are Tehran, Tunis and Karachi the last mentioned being crowned and cheapest city of them all. Karachi gives the game away immediately, lifting all  (9) over what exactly is cheap in these places jostling for space at the bottom of the list. Life, liberty and human dignity are what goes (10) in there towns and what makes Delhi and Mumbai worthy contenfers in the race to globle cheapness. When crime goas unchecked, even after being widely unchecked, even extinguished. Call it the lighter side of death.

  1. bigger
  2. participated
  3. sought
  4. designed
  5. surveyed

  1. reckoner
  2. shock
  3. mistake
  4. grief
  5. relief

  1. style
  2. believe
  3. display
  4. pretend
  5. deny

  1. deny
  2. protest
  3. oppose
  4. conclude
  5. conduct

  1. matched
  2. improved
  3. sponsored
  4. rejected
  5. manipulated

  1. doubt
  2. wisdom
  3. city
  4. door
  5. senses

  1. But
  2. Whether
  3. Would
  4. If
  5. As

  1. competing
  2. hints
  3. company
  4. significance
  5. threat

  1. inhibition
  2. definitions
  3. dependency
  4. mystery
  5. censor

  1. cheap
  2. unreported
  3. miss
  4. complex
  5. jostling


1. (5), 2. (2), 3. (2), 4. (4), 5. (5), 6. (1), 7. (1), 8. (3), 9. (4), 10. (2)

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

English :: Directions >

Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the given word as used in the passage.

1. accommodate
  1. alter
  2. domesticate
  3. barrack 
  4. include
  5. abide

2. ramifications 
  1. ractifications
  2. backlashes
  3. consequences
  4. issues
  5. reverberations

3. accelerated
  1. new-found
  2. unexpected
  3. rabid
  4. systemic
  5. fast paced

4. advent 
  1. over-use
  2. importance 
  3. approach 
  4. arrival
  5. assurance

Directions ( 5-6) : Choose the word(s) which is most opposite in meaning of the word printed in bold, as used in the passage.

5. striking
  1. friendly
  2. undidtinguished
  3. interlocking
  4. noticeable
  5. non-colliding

6. key
  1. subsidiary 
  2. closed
  3. primal
  4. locked
  5. over-ruled


1. (4), 2. (3), 3. (5), 4. (4), 5. (2), 6. (1), 

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )