Saturday, 10 August 2013

One Word - A Small Collection

Barbecue - A metal flame on which meat etc;cooked over an open fire

Barometer - An instrument for measuring the air pressure

Beverage - A liquid for drinking

Bibiliography - A list of writings on a subject

Biennial - Happening once every two years

Bigamy - system of two marriages

Biodata - (or resume or curriculum vitae)A shor written account of one's education and pas employment

Black hole - An area in outer space into which everthing near it ,including light,is pulled

Bleach - Make white or pale by mean of chemical  or sunlight

Blue blood - The quality of being a nobal person by birth

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Friday, 9 August 2013


Dejure - From the law,by law

Denovo - Anew,again,(trail of acase)

Denouement - The end of a plot(in play)

De profundis - out of the depths

Dernier resort - Last resort

Detente - Easing of strained relations especially between states

Dramatis personae - Characters of the drama or play

Elite - The best part ;the pick(the elite of town)

Enfant terrible - A terrible child;one who makes disconcerting remarks

Entrepreneur - Person in effective control of a business organization

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Word List

conspiracy - plot,intrigue,treason

Convict - Felon,culprit,criminal,guilty

Cowardly - Craven,dastardly,fearful,poltroon

Coy - Modest,shy,reserved

Carfty - Artful,adroit,,dexetrous,cunning,deceitful

Crazy - Mad,insane,silly

Credence - Belief,faith,trust,confidence

Crisis - Turning point,emergency,decisive moment

Criterion - Test,touchstone,standard,yardstick

Criticism - Analysis,review,stricture

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

One Word - A Small Collection

Apprentice - A person who works under someone to learn that person's skill

Arboreal - Those who live in trees

Armistice - (or cease-fire or truce)An agreement to stop fighting

Ascetic - One who avoids physicals pleasures and comforts

Astrology - The art of understanding the influence of heavenly bodies

Astronomy - Scientific study of heavenlybodies

Avairy - A place for keeping birds

Backlog - It means an accumulation of arrears example:I must clear my heavy backlog of arears

Backwater - A dart of a river out of the main stream where the water does not move 

Barbarian - An uncivilised person 

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Monday, 5 August 2013

Word List

Cheat - Defraud,gull,outwit,dupe

Cite  - Quote,mention,name,adduce

Clothes - Apparel,attire,dress,grab

Colossal - Huge,gigantic,enormous,big

Commence - Bigin,start

Commensurate - Equivalent,suitable,applicable,proportionate

Conceal - Hide,cover,shelter,disguise

Confess Confuse or- admit,acknowledge,reveal,agree

Confound - Mix,perplex,astonish,amaze,bewilder

Consequent - following,resultant,outcome

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )


Chef d'oeuvre - Masterpiece(Mona Lisa is  vinci's chef-d oeuvre)

Circa - About ('circa 1930')

Confoere - Colleague

Contretemps - An unexpected or untowards event;ahitch

Corrigenda - A list of errors (in a book)

Coup d' etat - Violent change in government

Coup de grace - A finishing stroke (the coup de grace of the russian revolution was total annihilation of the czar family)

Cul-de-sac - A blind alley (the failure of the policy  of non-alignment in 1962 saw our foreign reach a cul-de-sac)

Deback - complete tout (debacle of opposition in the election)

Defacto - Actual or actually (de facto recognition to a state)

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Saturday, 3 August 2013

One Word - A Small Collection

Altruist - One who is habitually kind to others

Alumnus - A former student of a school or college

Ambivalent - The words means simultaneous attraction towords and repulsion from an object,person or action.The attitude of educated.Indians to love-marriages is ambivalent

Anachronism - That which appears to be in the wrong period

Anarchy- lawlessness and disorder caused by absence of control

Anecdote - A short interesting or amusing story

Anthology - A collection of poems or writings

Aphorism - (or maxim)A wise saying in a few words

Aphrodisiac - A medicine causing sexual excitement

Apiary - A place where bees are kept

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Friday, 2 August 2013

Word List

Cancel : Annual, withdraw, revoke, delete

Candid : Sincere, straightforward, frank

Captive : Prisoner, confined, jailed, bonded

Cause : Make, originate, induce, generate, create

Censor : Cut off, prohibit, ban

Censure : Blame, condemn,reprove, reprimand

Character : Letter, emblem, type, OR nature, disposition, quality

Charity : Philanthropy, benevolence

Chaste : Pure, immaculate, virgin, refined

Chatter : Babble, ramble, talk, discourse

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )

Thursday, 1 August 2013


Beau ideal : the ideal of perfection.

Beaumonde : the world of fashion.

Beaux esprits : men of wit

Bete noire : a special aversion (India has always been bete noire for Pakistan)

Bona fide : good faith (His bona fide in the matter cannot be doubted)

Bizarre : odd, fantastic.

Ban vayage : a good vayage or journey to you.

Casus belli : that which causes or justifies war.

Cause celebre : a celebrated or notorious case in law

Charged affaires : diplomat inferior in tank to an Ambasador.

Prepared By : Jatinder Budhiraja ( 9810513909 )